Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tips for a "Happening" Blog

You want people to sit up and take notice of your blog creation, right? Try out these tips and get noticed! You'll be blogging for dollars before you know it!
  1. Follow the leader - steal tips from successful bloggers in your niche. See what works for them and try it out on your blog.
  2. Keep your readers interested. Try to be colorful and entertaining. Be personal and write in the same way you would talk.
  3. Post often to keep your blog fresh and worth coming back to.
  4. Every time you post, ping the blog directories with
  5. Use attention grabbing titles, like 10 tips about, 16 ways to...
  6. Keep it short and simple. People don't often like to spend a long time reading.
  7. Write it as if you were reading it. View it as "what's in this for me" like your readers will.
  8. Link to other related content sites by leaving a useful comment with your url included.
  9. Submit some of your blog posts as articles to places like to draw traffic.
  10. Use your main keywords regularly for the search engines, but don't go crazy and keep it natural sounding.
  11. Probably the most important tip - get started now. Don't put it off!
Good luck and have fun creating your blog!

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