If you are new to internet marketing or maybe just have not gotten around to it, you may be wondering if you really want to spend the time and effort on building a list. After all, there is a lot of work involved. It’s not just a matter of slapping an opt-in box up on website. You have to take the time and come up with an attractive offer or incentive to join your list. Then you have to spend time setting up your autoresponder account and pay for it every month! Next, there’s the content for you email series, plus researching what offers to promote and picking where to sign up as an affiliate. Or, creating your own products to promote. You will want to create or find good quality content for your readers so they will find your emails to be of value…getting the idea?
Let’s look at the reasons why you should take the time and effort to build your list. Building and marketing a list helps build a stable and long-term asset. If you are serious about succeeding online you will want a group of targeted people to market to whenever you come across a product you think will interest them.
Imagine being able to send out a single email about a product (with value) and make several hundred to several thousand dollars from it, depending up the size of your list! Many successful online marketers or gurus will emphasize that having an email list is key to their success, especially to earning the big bucks.
You can put an opt-in box on your website or blog or you can build “squeeze” or “landing” pages to capture names and email addresses. Learn from others who are doing the same thing, for example, if a squeeze page captures your interest then you have something to pattern yours after. Another way is to maximize your earnings by doing a “one time offer” on your thank-you for signing up page, just make sure it’s something that is relevant to your subject.
Of course, drawing traffic to your site or squeeze page is key to getting sign-ups. That is a whole other complete subject! Article marketing, social bookmarking, forums, PPC, Squidoo, Hubpages and backlinks are some of the methods.
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